Greetings from Palmia Observatory,
Well, we will report on our first attempt to capture Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3), which is predicted to reach magnitude 6.2 and then review some observatory news and finally comment again on AAS41 meeting.
Where armchair and observational cosmologists and physicist wannabes have fun and do real science and share lessons learned. Sharing weekly blogs for over nine years. Click on archive or search box to find specific topic or any of more than nine years of individual posts to show and read more of the post and pictures
Greetings from Palmia Observatory,
Well, we will report on our first attempt to capture Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3), which is predicted to reach magnitude 6.2 and then review some observatory news and finally comment again on AAS41 meeting.
Greetings from Palmia Observatory,
Well here we are and the American Astronomical Society (AAS241) meeting is over in Seattle and we can report on a couple of key findings.
Greetings from Palmia Observatory
The use of artificial intelligence systems and machine learning is being applied to many astronomical observations. These techniques are especially valuable for large datasets and many papers report good success while a few identify some of its spectacular failures also.
Greetings from Palmia Observatory
Well its been a while since we last posted. It has just been a trying time of year, but let's mention a few items hopefully of interest to the physicist wannabes.