Observing with Street Lights

Observing with Street Lights
Dark sky sites not always necessary to see the Milky Way (This image was taken ouside of a B&B in Julian, CA)

Meetngs, Conferences and Calendar Events

2nd Friday of the Month, OCA General Meeting, Chapman University
3rd Friday of the Month, OCA Astrophysics SIG, Heritage Museum
1st Wednesday of the Month, OCA Astroimagers SIG, Digital Media Center

Other fee based conferences are also of interest to amateur astronomers and of course physicist wannabes too.  If you get really interested or want to know more about the conference details, just search the associated websites.

February 10-11, Locical-LA, Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel
                           Scientific Skepticism lectures with keynote presentation by Lawrence Krauss
                           Not the typical meeting for me, but I like Krauss and will make it this year
February 21-23, Dark Matter Conference, UCLA
                           Professional, technical review of dark matter research and findings
                           I went to this two years ago and found it interesting and mostly understandable
March 5-8, American Physical Society (APS)- March Meeting, Los Angeles Convention Center
                   The March meeting is primarily about condensed matter and atomic physics
                   I haven't done much study of condensed matter but the conference is local so I'll try it

March 16-17, Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting, Caltech, Pasadena
                       Not for general relativity neophytes, as PhD students make presentations
                       This would be my third time and I might just start to understand  it, if I go

April 14-17, American Physical Society (APS)- April Meeting, Columbus, OH
                     The April meeting is primarily about astrophysics and cosmology
                     The April meeting has the right mix of topics for physicist wannabes too

April 15-19, AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, San Jose, CA

May 25-27, International Space Development Conference, Sheraton Gateway Hotel, Los Angeles

June 4-7, American Astronomical Society (AAS)- Summer Meeting, Denver, CO
                Good mix of general plenary sessions with technical breakout meetings
                Amateur astronomers get in for much reduced conference fee
June 10-13, Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA), Green Bank, WV
                    Held at Green Bank National Observatory and amateurs get to use a big dish
                    I've had this on my calendar for three years and haven't made it yet.  Maybe this time

June 14-16, Society of Astronomical Science (SAS), Ontario, CA
                    Local meeting where dedicated amateurs present their findings and experiences
                    Former OCA Secretary and author, Bob Buchheim, is now SAS president
                    Many presentations will have you saying "Hey, I could do that with my scope"

July 7-13, COSPAR, Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena
                 International conference, every two years, covers space and astrophysics research
                 There are so many interesting sessions here, it is expensive, but it is held locally

August 23-26, 21st Annual Mars Society Convention, Pasadena Convention Center

November 1-4, Nightfall Star Party by Riverside Astronomical Society, Borrego Springs, CA

November 15-18, AAVSO Winter Meeting, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ
                             See the historic Lowell Observatory and hear from dedicated amateurs
                             Even Resident Astronomer Peggy might go to this one

December 10-14, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Washington, DC
                             Winter meeting brings together Earth and space researchers

November 6-10, 2019 American Astronomical Society
                                     winter meeting in Seattle, WA

March 17-21, 2019 AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) meeting
                                Monterey, CA

March 25, 2019       Neil Degrasse Tyson speaks at Cosmic Collisions
                                 Long Beach, CA

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