Observing with Street Lights

Observing with Street Lights
Dark sky sites not always necessary to see the Milky Way (This image was taken ouside of a B&B in Julian, CA)

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Some more on the five planet alignment; Looking for Mars; Lunar X and Lunar Y?

 Greetings from Palmia Observatory,

Well last evening we missed two of planets in alignment, but did go out to take a look at Mars.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Looking for Uranus with a DSLR in city lights; Upcoming rare planetary alignment; New PrimeScan 3D dental imaging; Gender Neutrality?

 Greetings from Palmia Observatory

Well with the upcoming 5 planet alignment coming up later, we wanted to do some DSLR imaging practice of capturing Uranus, which is is very close now to bright Venus.